Making a will is essential to ensure loved ones are provided for when we are no longer around. Approximately 60% of the population of Northern Ireland haven’t made a Will. The process is straightforward and our solicitors can advise on a case-by-case basis. We strongly recommend clients who are residing with a partner or in the process of getting divorced to make a will.
If a loved one or friend has recently died and informed you they made a Will appointing you as an Executor we can assist in determining the location of the will and if you are still the executor of the estate.
We can advise potential beneficiaries if they have grounds to challenge the validity of a will, please contact one of our experienced solicitors for a free initial consultation.
Powers of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows someone else to make decisions for you, or act if you are no longer able to or if you no longer wish to make your own decisions. We strongly recommend our clients to allow us to draft a power of attorney for them as they can decide who they want to look after their affairs if for instance they need to go into hospital or are diagnosed with a medical illness or develop dementia.

There are two types of Power of Attorney:-
- General Power of Attorney- covers decisions in regards to your financial affairs and is valid while you have mental capacity. It is particularly useful if you need cover for a temporary period for instance hospital treatment or an extended holiday or you find it difficult to get out of the house. You can revoke the Power of Attorney at any time and it can no longer be used if you lose mental capacity.
- Enduring Power of Attorney- covers decisions about your property, financial affairs and health and can be registered for use if you lose mental capacity or wish for someone to act on your behalf. An Enduring Power of Attorney cannot be registered without your knowledge and you can object if you feel it is not required. You may put a restriction in place stating it is only to be registered if you lose mental capacity.
Please contact one of our experienced solicitors if you wish to discuss your individual needs.